A Home to Grow Old In started back in 2015 as a way for Robin to document the changes they were making in her new home. Over the years, it’s evolved to include favorite recipes, as well as easy crafts for home decor.
In 2019, Samantha joined the team. She just had her third child and was contemplating her next step in life. After talking to Robin, it turned out they shared a lot of common interests, from cooking and crafting to DIY projects around the house. Robin thought it would be a lot of fun to have Samantha join her on A Home To Grow Old In. Samantha agreed and they haven’t looked back!
Once all their boys were back in school, they started getting together on a regular basis to get more content out for you. They enjoy creating and sharing all their recipes, crafts, and home decor projects. They hope you enjoy them as well!
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